For early registration please e-mail us with your name,
University, supervisor, and research topic to before the 1st of August 2015.
Note the we have limited space capacity and priority will be given to early registrations.
To submit a poster, please send us the title, the complete list of authors
and the revtex style abstract of up to 2 pages to the same address. Deadline for submitting abstract for
a poster is 1st of August 2015. There will be a poster prize.
The registration fee is
180.- CHF for students
250.- CHF everyone else
Please transfer the corresponding amount after the registration (before July 1st) to the following bank account:
ETH Zürich Fond 1-67694-15 "Time2015"
Schweizerische Nationalbank
Börsenstrasse 15
CH-8022 Zürich
Konto 15500.00036
Clearing 100
IBAN CH6100100001550000036
Please put the fondsnumber 1-67694-15 AND your full name and university as a remark so we can identify your transfer.